Apparent Bids

Apparent Bids shows the bids that have been entered for the proposal. The results display the apparent low bidder, DBE percentage (if the agency is using this option), bid amount, and any custom fields added by the agency. Bids still need to be confirmed before the contract is awarded.

You do not have to be logged in to the Bid Express® service to see the apparent bids.

You can view the apparent bids for a single proposal or for all the proposals in a letting at the same time.  Bids marked as non-responsive display at the bottom of the list and show the reason. Any bid that has been automatically withdrawn also displays at the bottom of the list. If the apparent bids aren't visible, it is possible the agency decided not to post them.

You can also download the apparent bids as a .csv (comma-separated value) file or as a PDF file. Click the appropriate Export option at the top right of the list.  

Viewing Apparent Bids

The apparent bids are available as soon as the agency posts them. There is no need to refresh the page unless it's after the letting day.

  1. Select the letting from the lettings tab.

  2. If you're viewing the apparent bids for a specific proposal, select the proposal.

  3. Click Apparent Bids in the Also Available box.

The Bid Express service displays the apparent bids for the letting or proposal.  

The agency has an option of using your bidder name from your Digital ID or your bidder name from the vendor table. If your bidder name in the apparent bids list doesn't match what you entered for your Digital ID, it is because of this option.

Apparent Bids

Click on a bidder's name to see that bidder's information. If you are viewing all the proposals in a letting, click the proposal number to see the proposal details.

If you are viewing a proposal, you can switch proposals using the Select another proposal field.