Bidding Options Agency Settings - Administration

Access this page by selecting Manage Agency Settings from the Agency section of the Manage Agency page.  There are several bidding options to set.


Internet Bid Submission Use these options to determine if your agency is enabling Internet bid submission.
Distribute EBS Files through the Bid Express® service Determines if users will be able to download the EBSX file from the Bid Express site.
Plan Holders and Eligible Bidders Use these options to decide which bidders are allowed to bid. (This option may not be available depending on your agency.)
If you wish for an eligible bidder to remain confidential, you must import the data file with that bidder marked confidential in the bidders list.  There is no way to mark a bidder as confidential in the Bid Express service.
Automatic Bid Withdrawal
Use these options to decide if bidders will be allowed to withdraw bids if they are the apparent low bidders for previous call orders in the letting. (This option may not be available depending on your agency.)
If you select this option, the Bid Express service will add the names of the bidders of any withdrawn bids to the apparent bid results for the proposal.
Engineer's Estimate Bidder Select this option to designate the bidder ID of the engineer who submits estimate bids. This allows the auto-withdrawal feature to ignore the engineer's estimate so the correct vendor's low bid can be withdrawn from subsequent proposals.
Apparent Bid Entry Auto-complete Use these options to determine if and how the Bid Express service will automatically populate the apparent bids with vendor information.
Apparent Bids Use these options to decide how apparent bids will be published, including bids with errors.
Apparent Bid Entry DBE Use this option to make the DBE column visible and automatically populated with the DBE percent on the Apparent Bids page.
Digital ID Approval Use these options to determine if your agency will approve a company's Digital ID submission.
Request to Bid Approval Use these options to determine if your agency will approve a company's request to bid with your agency.
Vendor Names When a vendor submits a bid with a different name than what is in the vendor table, use this option to determine whether to keep the submitted name or override it with the vendor table entry.

When you are finished updating your options, click save.