Manage AASHTOWare Project Bids Bidders - Administration

Agencies using the AASHTOWare Project Bids software will need to approve a contractor’s request to bid with their agencies. If you’ve signed up for email notifications, you will receive one when a contractor submits the request. Contractors will need their bidder IDs in order to submit a request to bid.

Click the Export link to create a file of all bidders and their information, including email address.

Request to Bid

  1. Click the admin button (or, if you received an email notification, click the link in the email).

  2. Select Manage Bidders from the AASHTOWare Project Bids section of the Manage Agency page. The Bid Express service displays the requests to bid with your agency.

  3. Select the status of the request. The Bid Express service brings you to the details for the bidder.

  4. Accept, hold, or reject the request by selecting the appropriate button. If you hold or reject the request, you must provide a reason. The reason will be seen by the contractor.

  5. Click save.

The Bid Express service returns you to the Manage AASHTOWare Project Bids Bidders page and an email is sent to the contractor with any comments with a status update.