Manage Attachment Types - Administration

You can add the names of the different types of attachments your letting may need.  This page does not store any actual attachments. You are able to select these attachment types on the Manage Attachments page for a specific letting, then upload the attachments there.  

This is not where you upload .EBSX files.

  1. Click the admin button.

  2. Select Manage Attachment Types from the Agency section of the Manage Agency page.  The Bid Express service displays the Manage Agency Attachment Types page.

  3. Enter the attachment type in the empty Name field at the bottom of the list.

  4. Click the green plus sign to add the attachment type.

Click the red X next to the attachment type name to delete it.

Click the save button located in the upper or lower right corner of the page when you are finished to return to the Manage Agency page.