Manage Default Links - Administration

You can create links for the home page, lettings page, or proposal page. These links will be available for the contractor on each of the specified pages in the Also Available section.

Add a Link

The label is descriptive text that displays in place of the link URL.  The description is displayed when you place your cursor on the link. If a description is not entered, the link will be displayed instead.

The Link field is required, as is selecting at least one check box for Home, Letting, or Proposal.

  1. Click Manage Default Links in the Letting and Vendor Data section of the Manage Agency page.

  2. Click Add Link.

  3. Enter the web address in the Link field.

  4. Select the check boxes for the pages where you want the link to appear. You can select all of them.

  5. Enter a label for the link.  This is how the link will be displayed in the Bid Express service.

  6. Enter a description for the link. The description displays when you rest your mouse on the link.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click ok in the confirmation message.

The link appears immediately on the specified pages.

Edit or Delete a Link

Once your link has been posted, you can change it or delete it.

  1. Click Manage Default Links in the Letting and Vendor Data section of the Manage Agency page.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. If you are editing the link, make the necessary changes and click Save.

  4. If you are deleting the link, click Delete.

  5. Click ok in the confirmation message.