Manage Digital IDs

Your Infotech® Digital ID status displays the details of the selected Digital ID. This includes any messages. You will receive an email when your Digital ID registration is either rejected, put on hold, or enabled.

  1. Click the mybidx button in the top right corner of the page. The Bid Express service brings you to the My Bidx page.

  2. Click Digital IDs in the Account Services section.

The Bid Express® service displays the status of your IDs. Click the status for more information.

Approved: Your request to bid has been approved by the agency and your Digital ID is ready to use. You must have an approved Request to Bid from the agency in order to bid on a letting.

Pending: You've completed your online registration and have been charged the Digital ID processing fee. You have not yet uploaded proof of identity or Bid Express administration has not yet approved your ID. You have 90 days to upload your proof of identity before your pending ID is canceled.

Rejected:  The Bid Express administration rejected your Digital ID. Click the status, read the reason for the rejection, then click Update Digital ID to access the KeyLab program and make any necessary changes to your ID information.

Incomplete: The process for creating the Digital ID has not been completed. Either continue the process or remove the Digital ID.