Plan Holders/Eligible Bidders

The plan holders list on the lettings tab displays all contractors who have plans for at least one proposal in the selected letting.  The plan holders list for a selected proposal shows which contractors have the plans for that proposal. This page also marks eligible bidders for agencies who use that information. You may be able to add yourself to the plan holders list, depending on the agency.

  1. Select a letting date on the lettings tab.

  2. If you want to see the plan holders for the letting, select Plan Holders/Eligible Bidders in the Also Available section.  Click on the proposal number to see the proposal details.

  3. To see the plan holders for a proposal, click the proposal number, then select Plan Holders/Eligible Bidders in the Also Available section.  

The Bid Express® service displays all contractors and the proposals to which they have plans. The Last Updated date shows the last time the agency updated the list. Click on the bidder name to see the bidder information. If you are looking at the plan holders for a letting, click on a proposal to see the proposal details.

Show Only Eligible Bidders

If you wish to see only the eligible bidders for the letting or proposal, click Show only Eligible Bidders in the upper right corner. To see all the plan holders, click Show all Plan Holders. Exporting the list will export the displayed eligible bidders or plan holders.

Voluntary Plan Holders

While some bidders are automatically added to the plan holders list for a proposal, you can add yourself to the list if your agency has selected to use this option. Once added, there is no way for you or the agency to remove this information.

  1. Select a letting date on the lettings tab.

  2. Click the proposal number to see the proposal details.

  3. Select Plan Holders/Eligible Bidders in the Also Available section.  The Bid Express service goes to the Plan Holders for Proposal page.

  4. Click add in the Voluntary Plan Holders section. The Bid Express service displays the Add Voluntary Plan Holder window.

  5. Enter your information in the available fields.  All fields marked with a red asterisk are required.

  6. If you are adding yourself as a plan holder and you are not a registered Bid Express user, your Email and Contact Email fields must be the same.  If you are a registered user, the fields do not have to match.

  7. Click next when all fields are filled in.

  8. Verify your information.  Once the information is added, your information cannot be removed by you or the agency.

  9. Click back to change any incorrect information. Click finish once you are done.

The Bid Express service adds your name and information to the Voluntary Plan Holder list.

Exporting the Plan Holders List

You can export the plan holders list or the voluntary plan holder list (if your agency has enabled that option) in either a comma-separated value (CSV) or tab-separated file format from the Plan Holders List page.

You can export all plan holders or just the eligible bidders by selecting the link above the export options.

  1. Access the plan holders list for either the letting or proposal.

  2. The Show filter above the export options displays which plan holders will be exported.  Click the filter to either display all the plan holders or only the eligible bidders.

  3. Click either Export (csv) or Export (tab) for the list you wish to download. A File Download window displays.

  4. Open or save the file.

You can open the list in a spreadsheet program.