Vendor Data - Administration

You can view data for vendors that has been uploaded to the Bid Express® service in the past two months. Use the search function to see all bidders for your agency.

  1. Click View Uploaded Data from the Manage Agency page. The Bid Express service displays a list of the plan holder or vendor data that has been uploaded in the past two months.

  2. Select View Vendor Data.  The Bid Express service displays the vendors that have been uploaded in addition to their certification types, DBE Type, and other information. You can sort each column in the table by clicking on the column name.

  3. You can enter a vendor’s bidder ID or bidder name in the Search field and click search to find a specific vendor.  Click clear to delete the search criteria.

If no vendors have been uploaded in the past two months, the Bid Express service displays a message stating this.

Click View All Vendors in the upper left corner to see all the vendors uploaded to the Bid Express service. The Search function can be used on this page.

Click Manage Agency in the navigation trail to return to the Manage Agency page.

Mark Vendor Obsolete

You can mark a vendor as obsolete from either of the vendor pages.  An obsolete vendor can no longer bid on a project, but the vendor’s data continues to be part of any Bid Express analysis.

When you are on either the list of vendors uploaded in the past two months or the View All Vendors page, locate the vendor you wish to make obsolete and click Mark Obsolete in the far right column. The Bid Express service displays the Mark Obsolete window.

Enter a reason for making the vendor obsolete and click save. The Bid Express service returns you to the previous window and changes the vendor’s status to obsolete.

To make an obsolete vendor current, follow the same instructions and click Mark Non-Obsolete for the selected vendor.