Renew a Digital ID

Your Infotech® Digital ID for use with the AASHTOWare Project Bids™ software must be regenerated once every two years. There is no charge to regenerate the Digital ID during the renewal process. However, if you don’t renew your ID through the Bid Express® service before the expiration date, you will have to create a new ID and pay any associated fees, and you won’t be able to submit bids using the Bid component until you have a new ID.

To Renew

Click the link in the notification email and follow the steps, or start with these steps:

  1. Click the mybidx button.

  2. Click the Digital IDs link from the Account Services section.

  3. Click the Approved status of the expiring Digital ID. This opens the Bid Express KeyLab and displays the ID holder's name, organization, state, and country. This information cannot be updated.

  4. Enter your Digital ID password and re-enter it in the Confirm Password field. Click renew. The Bid Express service displays the success page.

  5. Start the back up of your Digital ID by clicking ok.

  6. Navigate to the specific file location to where you would like your Digital ID backed up. Do not skip this step. It is highly recommended you choose a file location external from your current computer location.  Examples are: A memory stick, the company network, a CD, etc.

  7. Click resave in the KeyLab window to save your ID to another location. Click finish to return to the Manage Digital ID page.

Manage Digital IDs

Once your Infotech Digital ID for the AASHTOWare Project Bids software has been renewed, it is ready for use on the computer or device used during the renewal process. If you use other machines to submit bids, you will have to delete the old ID and import the new Digital ID to those computers and devices.

Once the new ID has been imported, you can test that your new ID will work for bid submissions.

Delete the Old ID

Import the New ID

Test the New ID